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Book Brew w Coffee Crew

Interview–Christopher Craven


CTR: Welcome to author Christopher Craven who’s sharing our themed book party today! First, tell us a little bit about the book you’re featuring today. Things like publisher, release date, ISBN and a buy link at least please! Also a blurb would be nice 🙂

CC: Actually I’m going to talk about two books today. A personal project and a project I worked on with some other great authors. The Bystander is a short story published through Rebel Ink Press and is available now at and . Thank you, CTR! The other book I’m here about is called Force Recon: Beacon Bayou published through Rebel Ink Press. It is due to release February 22 at and of course here at CTR. I’ll be sharing the blurbs to both projects and some excerpts throughout the day.

CTR: What made you decide to write this particular book? Did you have a special uniformed person in mind or just admire them all? Can you give us some story behind the story?

CC: I wrote The Bystander featuring supporting character Detective Joel McNathy and leading character Journalist Kenton Korvel because I wanted to explore the relationship between the two. Joel is a detective that rescues Kenton from a hate crime occurring on the streets of Chicago and they discover that more is in store than just an investigation of tracking down the hardened criminals that beat Kenton to a bloody pulp.

My portion of the anthology Force Recon: Beacon Bayou features Corporal Regan Maxwell. Regan grew up a spoiled brat living the life of luxuryas a Calvin Klein underwear model. When he came out of the closet, his family wrote him off as just another sissy queer. He joins the USMC where he’s assigned to the recon unit that features three other characters in the anthology. Regan’s story also has more to tell readers about a haunting memory from his past that resurfaces and causes havoc between he and his new love interest.

CTR: How about the spouses and SOs of our uniformed protectors—do you know one and sympathize with the special stresses they have to endure? Do you think couples can make two careers of this kind work?

CC: I do know a couple spouses of the uniformed protectors and I think it takes a special kind of love to stay connected. Dealing with that kind of stress can’t be easy and my hat’s off to them for finding a way to make it work.

CTR: What do you think is the special appeal of men and women in uniform, be it military, law enforcement, fire fighters or others? Do they make good romance characters because of this?

CC: I think it falls in line with the cliché—whoever started it in the first place. However, in romance stories if the person is in uniform, they usually have picture perfect bodies and abs that could cut diamonds. For this reason, I believe that writer’s tap into their own fantasies and couple that with the group of uniformed individuals to tell their stories because it is an immediate device allowing readers to enjoy whatever story they have to tell. But when you think about it in reality, there are still a number of individuals in uniform of all trades, that have less than perfect body shapes that risk their lives every day to keep our country, our towns and homes safe. This doesn’t detract from them making great romance characters, and I think we should be using more less than perfect heroes.

CTR: Let’s switch subjects a little bit now. Here we are at the start of a brand new year. Are you one of those folks who makes a big list of resolutions and struggles to keep at least some of them or do you take a pass on this custom?

CC: Well, in years past, I haven’t made lists of resolutions. However, this year is about redefining a life of happiness and love for myself. With the help of amazing people in my life, this has become not only a possibility for me, but also a learning experience.

CTR: Do you have a goal, plan or dream for something to do this year?

CC: I have several but the one I’m willing to share at this point involves a brand new suspense series featuring Joel and Kenton.

CTR: Where do you see yourself and your writing career on Jan 1, 2012? 2020? Even farther into the future?

CC: Jan 1, 2012—My m/m Romantic Suspense series in screenplay format. As for 2020? If we’re all still alive, my face better be on billboards from New York to San Francisco.

CTR: Anything else you’d like to share with our readers today?

CC: My Romantic Suspense series kicks off with “October Sun” releasing on January 11th. To watch the book trailer go to–
or visit my site at:

CTR: Thanks so much for joining us today and please come again when you have a book that meets our theme.

CC: Thanks for having me! I look forward to today’s events and chatting it up with all the great readers out there. And, I’d love to come back by sometime.




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