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Book Brew w Coffee Crew

Uniforms that Protect Us, Kissin’ Cops


Star Spangled Kiss

Hi I am Christa Paige and this is my first time at the Coffee Time Book Brew with the Coffee Crew. I’m here to talk about the heroic men in uniform that I write about. And, I am giving away a free download of my latest Kissin’ Cops release: Star Spangled Kiss to one lucky commenter.

 First up though, I wanted to talk about how I stumbled on writing my contemporary cop series and share a little bit about life as a cop wife.

 One day over dinner with non-cop friends, one of the ladies leaned close to me and asked me a breathy, excited question I was totally unprepared for. She asked me whether or not my cop husband ever used his handcuffs, on me, in a naughty way. Soon, this question became an inside joke between me and the other cop wives I hang out with. In romance land, the use of handcuffs happens many times over and while it is hot to read, the reality isn’t as fun.

Many years later, when my first Blood-Vine novel was about to be released, my husband and I went to dinner with guys from his unit. They were all promoting to sergeant and this was their celebratory meal. I polled the wives and asked them how many times they had been asked the “does your husband use his handcuffs on you” query and they all smiled knowingly, nodding their heads in amusement.


Curious, I asked the guys how many times they had used their handcuffs on their women. Every cop at the table recoiled. Their replies were interesting:

  First, Rhett said, “Oh my god, do you know how gross they are? I wouldn’t put those on my wife, ever. Not even my dog.”

 Matt chuckled and narrowed his eyes on me. “Yeah, sometimes they can be on five, six even ten bad guys in a night.”

 My own husband rolled his eyes and nudged me in the ribs with his elbow. His laughing stare said, “Told you so.”

 Derrick chimed in too, “I don’t even bring them home. If I do, they stay in my war-bag until I go back on my next shift.”

 Well, that said it all. Straight from the cops’ mouths.

 Honestly, how many of us readers have thought about handcuffs needing a good spray of Lysol and maybe a dip in hot bleach water?

 Right after that, one of the wives suggested I write a scene about a sexy cop and how he used handcuffs with his lover.

 So, now I wanted a handcuff scene in my book; a delicious, naughty exchange between the hero Gavin and his lover Cassidy. I had to get around the truth, somehow. Luckily, a few of the guys had some ideas.

Irish Kiss

 The option I went with worked out well for the scene. And, I made sure that the reader is aware there are no germs on them, they were never used on any bad guys and Gavin just happened to have them handy in his car.

 Sometimes life in a cop relationship doesn’t match the fiction in romance novels or even on television. I wanted my Kissin Cops to reflect the reality. At least, how we know it. One of the important aspects I wanted to show was the deep friendships that are made between these badge-brothers. They share life and death moments and forge bonds that run deep. On top of that, I thought it would be fun to ride to crime scenes with my cops, the way it actually happens in Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Sharing some insightful things, like what is a deputy’s ‘daddy’, radio codes, interesting actions many people don’t even know happen- like what procedures are enacted during fireworks- and keeping the cop ambience through a romance were important things for me to show in my stories.

Being married to one of these heroes can be challenging. They have long hours and can be gone from home to go to work, court or forced overtime, instead of having banker hours. Mine just worked a double-shift on Christmas and New Years! The stress can be crazy tense. Paperwork, especially force-packages, takes concentration and even more of those hours in the day. But, the cops I know have huge hearts. They are passionate about life and friendship. Each of them would take a bullet for one another. The hardest decisions are made in a split-second and we know what it is like when a call goes bad. There is nothing more powerful to attend than a memorial for a fallen officer. In my second Kissin’ Cops book, I had a small scene that always makes my eyes burn as it pays homage to those at my husband’s station who had lost their lives during work. Anyone willing to take that risk deserves to be considered a hero.

 My very first experience of being a cop wife happened at a huge college football game. There was an altercation that occurred between some people in the stands and the guys we were with. In an instant, a wall of strong powerful male flesh formed in front of us women: a stance of protection. As I looked up and saw their shoulders tossed back, their spines straight and sheer power emanating from each of them, I was struck with how one moment a regular man could be laughing and playful and the next second, utterly filled with authority.

 I love sexy cops who have the moves, the wit and the no-how of being an officer of the law. Don’t you?

I’m looking forward to several Kissin Cop novels to be released in 2011. They are published by Liquid Silver Books. Before I go, I’d love to share a little excerpt of Star Spangled Kiss.

 He couldn’t remember the last time he forced himself to go slow, take each step so he could savor a woman’s response. Tyler was shocked that he even liked it, watching the desire and need grow within Sophie. The longer they fought the pull of their attraction, the hotter they burned.

 And he knew she was hot for him. The air conditioning blasted on high in here, yet a droplet of sweat beaded at her temple. He followed the drop with his fingertip as it trailed down her cheek. When it slid off her jaw, he reversed course and traveled along her chin first to one side and back again.

 “What is it you want, Tyler?” she whispered hoarsely.

 He cupped her chin in his grasp and pushed upward until she was positioned perfectly.

 “For now, your kiss,” he answered, and his words sounded raw with need.

 Sophie lifted up on her toes, angling her head to the side. “Like this?” She gave him a little peck on his cheek.

 Tyler shook his head. “No. Kiss me like a lover.”

 She pursed her lips and stared at his mouth.

 “Do it, sweetheart. I can’t wait much longer,” Tyler groaned. Her thumb swept over his bottom lip and his tongue darted out, swiping the pad there. She gasped at the moist contact.

 “Right here, Ty?” All he could do was nod his agreement.

  “That’s all you want from me?” she questioned him.

 “For now.” His body trembled with the exertion he used to keep himself from releasing the rampant beast under the surface. Tyler didn’t want to frighten her, but if she kept up with the teasing, he’d have no choice in the matter.

 “Okay,” she whispered so softly he almost didn’t hear it.

 When her mouth brushed across his, Tyler saw stars bursting behind his eyelids. God damn, the kiss had barely started and he was lost under its captivating spell.

  Her tongue delved into his mouth, slid over his teeth and tentatively brushed his own. She retreated and he followed, slipping over the edges of her top teeth and exploring the tender skin along the roof of her mouth.

 A whimper broke the silence and spurred Tyler on. He lifted her up into his embrace, needing her body fully against his. Pulling his head away, he held her still and said, “Give me a little more.”

 She laced her arms around his neck, closed the distance and set her mouth against his. “Show me what you need.”


 If you’d like to check out other excerpts of the Kissin Cops series, check out their page on my website: Star Spangled Kiss and Irish Kiss.

 Thanks for hanging out with me today.





  • CJ

    I think that you have to suspend reality to find real handcuffs a turn on. I remember waiting with some people in the reserves to be fingerprinted before a call out. One of the guys waiting was in the military police. He tried out his handcuffs on me to kill time. Even in such benign circumstances, they were not pleasant and I couldn’t wait to get them off.

  • Christa Paige

    Hey CJ. When my husband was in the academy, he used to practice taking me into custody which included the handcuffs and pat-down. The angle of the metal bracelets is a pain on the wrists, for sure. The pat-down is totally weird with department specific procedures that made me giggle every time. Some of the control maneuvers, like pulling the fingers up at an odd angle, hurt like crazy, too.

    Suspending reality is important in those sensual scenes, for sure. I think a silken rope might be less abrasive, though.

  • Cherokee

    Hi Christa, and good to have you today, really enjoyed everything you said, and the excerpt, am looking forward to reading your stories. I wish you and your husband the best always

  • AzGaye

    I have to agree on the handcuffs, Christa. My late husband was in law enforcement for years and I would have had a fit if he snapped that dirty cold steel on me but he would never have considered it! Yeah it makes a sexy gimmick in a story maybe but soooo not in real life!!

  • Cindy L

    The first thing that I thought of when you talked about using the handcuffs was I hope they are for home use and not work! I have a friend who is a cop and he said the backseat of a cop car can be just as disgusting. Christa, do you bounce ideas for your books off your husband?

  • Christa Paige

    Hey Cherokee, thanks for the good wishes. I’m glad you enjoyed my post.

    AZGraye, it is a sexy gimmick for sure and my husband would never use them in the bedroom, either. How many years was your late husband in LE? We are going on year 13 here. I hope it is a lucky one.

    Hi Cindy, back-up pair used for training was the way I got around it in the novel. Hubby has a pair for the ankles in the garage he never uses them anymore, they even have a long chain on them, I’m sure those would be a surprise in a novel. I do bounce ideas off my husband and he often reads my scenes to make sure they are as accurate as can be. Sometimes we go round and round about things when he tells me readers don’t want to know something like a radio code, but otherwise he and his friends are more than happy to oblige. It is nice he is in charge, now. Often, I can go to the station and just hang out watching things happen.

    Thanks for making me feel so welcome here today.

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Kissed by the Alien is the second book of the Holiday Heartmates series by Julie K. Cohen.

Lexi is amazing! She’s strong, brave, resourceful, fearless, stubborn and feisty. And she has such a kind and compassionate heart. Even more, I loved her courage, determination and confidence to do the things she does and to face any challenges and hardships thrown her way. Lexi is a wonderful woman and I loved her so, so much!

And Lutan is such an incredible male! He’s brooding, quiet, fearsome and not very fond of Earth. And he’s also honorable, kind and fiercely protective. But the Zyanthan warrior also carries so much guilt and pain inside his heart. Nevertheless, Lutan is amazing and I adored everything about him!

I absolutely loved everything that happened between Lexi and Lutan! While on a mission to track down illegal blasters that keep finding their way on Earth, Lutan captures a male who turns out to be no man at all. I loved those two together! I loved their instantaneous attraction and their chemistry was fantastic. Even more, their banters, bargaining and teasing were so much fun to read. Lexi and Lutan might seem to be on opposite sides of the law, but they fit so well together. I loved how protective Lutan was of Lexi and I adored Lexi for standing her ground and never backing down from challenges and danger. And, yet, both had so many things they needed to deal with. Lutan also really did his best to stay away from Lexi, but fate cannot be denied. And when they couldn’t resist the undeniable need for one another anymore, the passionate moments they shared were so hot! I just love the Zyanthan warriors and all their… extras! Lexi and Lutan were so perfect for each other and, after everything both went through, they deserved to find happiness and love together!

Overall, Kissed by the Alien is another fantastic addition to the series! It’s filled with suspense, danger, action, drama, angst, twists, betrayals, humor, scorching hot passion and magnificent characters.

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