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Book Brew w Coffee Crew

Interview Jackie Smith


CTR: Our next author is Jackie Smith. First, please give us a bit of information about the book or books you’re sharing today. At least ISBN, Publisher and buy link please! Also the genre and heat level if applicable.

JS: My latest book is a historical romance set in WWI Paris. Here’s where you may purchase A Soldier’s Vow.
ISBN: 978-1-897521-34-2
Publisher: XoXo Publishing(A division of Ninni Group Inc.)
Buy link:

CTR: What is your favorite historical period or region and why? Did you enjoy history while you were in school or was it frankly boring? How would you suggest we teach history to kids now—(i.e.) can fiction maybe be a tool here? Do you think we can and should learn from the past or is it now irrelevant to modern times and issues?

JS: My favorite historical period is Edwardian era because of the fashions and social changes especially for women. In school, I loved history because I was blessed with great teachers. Fiction can certainly be a tool. We can also teach history to kids with visits to museums, art galleries, or with our senior citizens. Get history from the ones who lived it. We should definitely learn from the past. In our modern times, we tend to forget the past, and don’t learn from it.

CTR: . Do you think historical accuracy is important in fiction? How about the use of modern speech and politically correct ideas instead of those that faithfully portray the period? Do you find this good, bad, a necessary evil or something you shun?

JS: Historical accuracy is very important in fiction. If an event is not as accurate as possible, the errors may come back and bite you. Of course, if the period is so far back, some details may be vague no matter how much the author researches. When writing a historical, it’s good to faithfully portray the period through dialogue and detail. It’s necessary to make the story authentic. Let’s not forget that a historical is a trip back in time.

CTR: Can you share a favorite author and title that perhaps inspired you to write in the historical genre?

JS: My favorite author is Danielle Steele’s Jewels. This title inspired me to write in the historical genre. I saw the TV movie before the book. Although I enjoyed the movie, the book took me back in time.

CTR: Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving family tradition or story to share? Does the old “Over the river and through the woods to grandma’s” verse resonate with you in terms of childhood memories or stories you heard or was your family pattern quite different? How about a recipe that you associate with this harvest and thankfulness time of year? What is your favorite dish of your family or circle’s traditional feast?

JS: Here, in Canada, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving as much as in the States. Every year, my mom did cook a ham with mashed potatoes and peas. We waited for Christmas and New Year’s to bring out the big turkey and meat pies. For the holidays, we just crossed the yard to grandma’s place… smiles. We used to celebrate with my grandparents around a homemade meal. My favorite dish is a dessert. My grandma used to make the best apple cobbler.

CTR: If there was such a thing as a time machine where would be the first place you would go once you had a ticket to ride? Do you think you’d want to stay or just look around and then come right back to today?

JS: If I could ride on a time machine, the first place I would go would be Paris during the First World War. Ever since I researched that time period for my book, the people living back then intrigued and touched me. I would just stay for a brief time and then come back. I would miss my fiancé and my family too much.

CTR: Where can our readers find out more about you and your writing? Please share your web site, social network pages, blogs or any other contact areas you maintain.

JS: Here’s where readers can find our more about me and my writing.

CTR: Thanks for being part of our November event and please come back whenever you have a book to share that fits the theme or just to visit with us!!





  • Jackie M. Smith

    Thanks to the wonderful staff at CoffeeTime Romance.

    Jackie M. Smith

  • Yadira A.

    Hi Jackie!
    The Edwardian era would be fascinating to visit, but I find it interesting that you would travel to the first World War… I don’t many people would think/want to go there, but it would be interesting to meet the people from that time period.

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