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Interview with Katelyn Yauger


I recently had the please of pleasure of interviewing author Kate Yauger and getting to know her and her thoughts on the Steampunk genre and what drew her to it.. Her upcoming release is Skyqueen, a steampunk novella set in an alternate timeline during the time of Napoleon.

What do you like most about the steampunk genre?
I love  the mix of science fiction  and historical settings which is what initially drew me to steampunk. Who doesn’t love corsets, top hats, and awesome inventions!  To me, the crux of steampunk is for progress;  not only for technology but for humanity as well. It’s an awesome platform for storytelling and raising awareness of issues such as slavery and poverty which were as evident during the Victorian period as they are today.
When did you know you wanted to be a writer? 
When I was ten, I read the Chronicles of Narnia and I instantly felt the passion for storytelling and creating new worlds.
Who is your favorite author?
Anne Elisabeth Stengl the author of the Tales of Goldstone Woods. Her captivating stories, mesmerizing characters, sharp wit, and poignant storytelling  stay with me  in vivid detail even though I haven’t read  her books in a couple of years.
Do you write in any other genre besides steampunk?
I write science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? 
One is write! Write the story you have inside you. Please don’t mold your story to the whim of the masses because if you do, it’s not your story. Tell it and people will read it. Read. This not only primes your imagination but gives you insight on the craft of a writer. I learned a lot from reading books and reading interviews.
Do you have any rituals that prepare you to write?
I get rid of any clutter and make sure the general area is clean to keep my mind clear. I turn on some music to help set the mood (anything from orchestral music to heavy metal), and grab a cup of coffee or tea. Then I pray for guidance in my storytelling.
What do you do for fun? (besides writing)
I read, hike, play ultimate frisbee, and play percussion in my local volunteer L’abri orchestra.
How do you handle writer’s block?
I usually have two or three projects I’m working on at one time so if I am stumped  on one, I chip away at another. I read to help get my creative juices flowing, and   I clean. Most of my favorite ideas have come when I’m active. If I’m still struggling, I set it aside for a bit, and play a game.
What are the hardest scenes for you to write?
As a writer struggling with depression, writing emotional scenes  is difficult for me, but they are the most rewarding.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas, because it reminds us that there is good in the world and that can be peace on earth if we allow the Light of the Stable into our hearts.
Cogsworth Finding Blurb:
Guided by  his closest friend, Cogsworth goes on a journey through London’s Underworld searching for a meaning outside his illustrious factory.
Find me on social media:
Facebook: Katelyn Yauger
Instagram: Clockworkphoenix95


I have always loved books but discovered romance books later in life while home with a sick child thanks to my best friend, Brenda. It didn't take long to meet up with Karen and learn that we shared a lot more than a love of books. We are sisters in spirt who want to help people spread the word about books. KarenneLyn is the web designer of Coffee Time Romance and several other sites. This wonderful exploration of her creative side has become a fun thing to learn and opened the door to meeting some wonderful people.

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