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Interview with Sherita Smedley


Welcome to Rita’s Bower where readers gather to meet our favorite or soon-to-be favorite authors while sipping delicious drinks and savoring decadent treats. Serve yourself a plate and drink, settle back in a comfortable chair, prop up your feet, and welcome our guest author Sherita Smedley.

Sherita has an M.A. in Creative Writing from National University and is the author of numerous freelance articles and short stories. She loves to read, crochet, knit, and volunteers in her church’s children’s ministry.

I’m anxious to hear about Passion on the Plains, but first tell us about yourself.

I am an English Professor, grammar nut, work out queen, and all around lover of romance. I have written short stories and now I am focusing on inspirational historical romances. I am a proud Army wife and mother of three.

How do fit your writing into your busy schedule?

I am a night owl by nature and normally write late at night when the house is quiet. I often get the best ideas when I drive long distances, so I record them on my iPhone.

Give our guests an overview of Passion on the Plains.

Passion on the Plains is a historical romance that inspires readers to hope in love. Kara Mae Malone never wanted to ask for outside help, especially not from a man. At the request of her mother she hired Jake Henry, a new ranch hand, to help her run the farm. Kara decided to run him off, but adversely fell for him. However, to her surprise she did not realize that Jake had been hired by the rich Mr. Hillmond to ruin her and take her farm. Jake was on board until he became intoxicated with her and decided he would do anything to protect her. Through a terrible storm, a devastating battle, and a horrific court case their love continued to blossom. Chance would bring them together, but it was the love of God that gave them their desires of their heart.

Passion on the Plains is your debut novel. How long did it take to write it? What inspired you?

This novel started out as my thesis paper for my Masters. My professor told me I should get it published and so I set out to expand it another 30,000 words, and two years later I published it.

Passion on the Plains is a multicultural inspirational western romance. Did you need to do a lot of historical research?

Honestly, I did research on small country towns in Kansas and on freedman’s colonies. The Native American tribe I chose was the Lumbee Indians who are mostly on the east coast. Learning about a different culture was fascinating and gave me a chance to appreciate my own history.

How did the multicultural component add to the conflict? Was it difficult to write it?

The multicultural component helped to cause conflict between the hero and heroine. Kara Mae was against Native Americans because her family was attacked, so to fall in love with one was not accepted by the town’s people.

Kara and Jake experienced losses early in their lives. You did a great job showing how their losses affected them as they grew older, but they found answers.

I wanted to show that when it comes to love sometimes we have to go where the Lord leads. I showed that in order to heal our wounds we have to turn over our hurts to God and know that we have to learn to trust.

Was your journey to publication difficult? Would you do it again?

The publication journey was a learning experience and I realized that although I am great with grammar I wanted to have a story that my readers could sympathize with. I enjoyed the journey and am currently working with my publisher again for the second book.

What advice do you have for aspiring authors?

One piece of advice I would give to all writers is to keep going, no matter how many “no’s” come in the mail. Once I made up in my mind that I was not going to stop until my story was out, I then left it in the Lord’s hands. Also keep a note pad or word document with any ideas or dreams, which could be possible stories for the future.

What are you writing now?

Currently I am working on my second novel, Free to Love, which is going to be set in Lincolnton Kansas and has suspense, love, murder, and learning to give all to God.

Where can we buy Passion on the Plains?

Amazon | Tate Publishing | Barnes & Noble

How can we contact you?
Facebook | Twitter

Thank you, Sheita, for visiting. Drop by and visit anytime, the door to Rita’s Bower is always open. Happy reading until our next gathering.



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